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Pte. Herbert Whitfield

Army Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)

from:Leeds, Yorkshire, England.

Herbert Whitfield (English) Cameronians (SR) 2nd World War. I don't have a story, but I do have a question. I found my father's army service and pay book in my mother's effects when she died. It says he was in the Cameronians (SR) and his army no. was 1572231. He was a private. Since he was from Leeds, Yorkshire, I don't know what he was doing in a Scottish Regiment.

I know he served in Wales and was a gunner, but I don't know what that means. What did gunners do in Wales? I remember a story he told of German planes flying into a harbour that had hills on each side. I think the army had guns on the hills firing at the planes, but it's all very hazy because he would have told me this when I was a child. I know he was shipped out to Burma in March 1945. They were clearing Japanese soldiers out of the jungle, I think.

I'd be very grateful for any information you could give me about this regiment and what the Wales division was doing during the War.

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