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Sgt. Alan Douglas Hart

Royal Air Force 101 Sqd.

Sgt Alan Hart joined the RAF in 1941 aged 17. He trained as a wireless operator/ air gunner. In 1943 he flew with Squadron 9 which was part of 5 group. In 1943 he and his crew were targeting Berlin. They also targeted Colognes, Hamburg, Bremen, Willemshaven, Nurnberg, St.Nazaire, Pilsen, Dortmund, Duisberg, Dusseldorf, Stettin, Wuppertal, Stutgart and Hanover. Then in 1944 he was posted to 101 Squadron, no 1 group. They carried "Air born Cigars" and an "extra crew mwmber". Grandad said he never knew who they were as they boarded and disembarked the plane before and after the crew did. He joined Flight officer Knights crew on a few missions. Saddly Sgt Alan Hart passed away in February 2013,taking with him many more stories of his time with the RAF.

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