Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Second World War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Second World War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

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Lt.Col. Henry Russel Spicer

United States Army Air Forces 362nd Fighter Squadron 357th Fighter Group

Le 5 mars 1944 le nouveau commandant du 357e FG (volant avec le 362e FS), le colonel Henry Russell SPICER (1909-1968), fut touché par la Flak au retour d’une mission sur Bordeaux et son P-51 "Tony Boy" en feu, se parachuta au dessus de la Manche à une quinzaine de kilomètres de la côte à hauteur du Havre. Après avoir dérivé sur son dinghy pendant deux jours, il fut capturé à Cherbourg, pieds et mains gelés, et envoyé au Stalag Luft 1 de Barth-Vogelsand. Il décéda à 59 ans.

On 5th of March 1944 the new commander of the 357th Fighter Group, flying with the 362nd Fighter Squadron, Colonel Henry Russell Spicer was hit by the Flak on the return of a mission on Bordeaux and his P-51 Tony Boy. On fire, he parachuted over the English Channel about fifteen kilometers from the coast at Le Havre. After drifting on his dinghy for two days, he was captured in Cherbourg, with frozen feet and hands and sent to Stalag Luft 1 of Barth-Vogelsand. He died at age of 59.

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