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Capt. Eustace Jotham VC

British Indian Army 51st Sikhs


(d.7th Jan 1915)

Eustace Jotham was killed in action on 07/01/1915, Aged 31 and is commemorated on the Delhi Memorial (Indian Gate) in India. He was buried in Miranshar Cemetery, North Waziristan.). He was the son of Frederick Charles and Mary G. A. Jotham, of Millington Rd., Cambridge

An extract from Supplement to the London Gazette, dated 23rd July, 1915, records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery on 7th January, 1915, at Spina Khaisora (Tochi Valley). During operations against the Khostwal tribesmen Capt. Jotham, who was commanding a party of about a dozen of the North Waziristan Militia, was attacked in a nullah and almost surrounded by an overwhelming force of some 1,500 tribesmen. He gave the order to retire and could have himself escaped, but most gallantly sacrificed his own life by attempting to effect the rescue of one of his men who had lost his horse."

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