Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

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Pte John McNally

British Army 2nd Btn King's Own Scottish Borderers

from:31 India St Glasgow

(d.3rd Oct 1917)

John was third born of 6 brothers to Catherine and William McNally. Keen to do his bit, he followed his two older brothers into service with KOSB during WW1. Andrew: (Argyle and Southern Highlanders) and William: (a rifleman in the Army and then Royal Navy).

John was said to have a lovely singing voice and had won a singing competition in his home city of Glasgow.

He was brought up in the East End of Glasgow, his eldest brother Andrew was a pretty tough character and William was an amateur boxer, John was just a young lad.

He had three younger siblings who all went on to serve in WW2, Joe, Dominic and Frank.

Sadly John did not make it home and records show he died aged 20 on 1917-10-03 from gun shot wounds.

He was and still is very much remembered by all of his family.

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