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Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

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L/Cpl. Ambrose Chambers

Australian Imperial Force 53rd Battalion

from:Selby, Yorkshire

Ambrose Chambers emigrated to Australia in 1912 aboard the SS Pakeha. He enrolled in the Australian Imperial Force on 16th of February 1916and served with them until 1919 when he was discharged in London and returned home to Selby in North Yorkshire. He served in Egypt and was shipped out to Port Said, leaving Sydney on 14th of April 1916 aboard the troop ship HMAT A40 Ceramic, arriving on 16th of May 1916. He was married in September 1918 at Selby Abbey, Yorkshire, England wearing his Australian army uniform and was promoted to Lance Corporal on his return to service from leave after his wedding.

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