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Sgt. J. Arthur DCM.

British Army 2nd Btn. Cameron Highlanders

Sjt. J. Arthur earned a DCM award on 28th of April 1915 at Hill 60 near Ypres for conspicuous gallantry when after his trench was blown in, and both officer's and several men had been buried, he re-organised the defense with great coolness and helped to dig out the buried under heavy fire conditions.

Here in Pennsylvania, USA, I acquired his grouping, and another soldier from the Boer War, one day at a car boot, a friend grabbed for me to add to trade deal or classic truck. What luck the folk here didn't realise how important and special these grouping's are. There are five medals, all properly engraved and not touched since he himself held these relics of his valor. I also hold Leut. H. Biggs QSA grouping (5 award). Both were within a display case, and in proper lighting, toned like rainbow glory of untampered majestic glory. I have all records but search in hope of a image of either as both survived their services and drew pension.

Having family and dear friends from Birmingham and Telford, I was able to have help in finding the information. (Total thanks and regards to the Thacker family, finest friends a man could have). I also honor these and merely holding has been such a pleasure. I hope to donate them to Inverness as a gift to them for my enjoyment of research the past decade has caused. If any other interested parties runs on a veteran clipping, image including Sjt Arthur or Leut.H. Biggs, I'd be forever in your debt. I'm not a wealthy man, but would pay a reward for certain proven images. My vow is that these won't hit the market again and will be returned where they belong. The gift of donating would surpass any monetary gain I could enjoy. I fret the wrong holder touching, handling or tampering.

The Sjt Arthur's DCM had no ribbon, I replaced it. I have medal bar mounts backed with felt, but am to afraid to touch them to mount. I just wanted no chance they'd ever be separated. If I told what I paid for these in the trade, so many envious people would grint their teeth. The right person found these. These are the highlight of my collection, even being an American, having kin from England.

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