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Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

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Boy Sea. Harry Green

Royal Navy HMS P54


Harry Green was born 1902 in Cardiff and became a boy seaman in about 1915. Early photos show him with a 'Naval Brigade' cap band. The photo of Nov.-Dec. 1917 with his 18-year-old brother in Manchester Regiment uniform, shows Harry in Navy rig with cap band for HMS P54, an inshore sloop.

In October 1919, Harry transferred to the merchant navy as a steward's assistant on the 'Great City', a Reardon Smith tramp steamer under Admiralty commission. It is believed to have supplied the Allied Army of Intervention in the Russian Civil War (Murmansk and Archangel) up to March 1919.

Harry Green (seated right) with brother Arthur (standing left) Dec. 1917

Harry Green on Great City late 1918

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