Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

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John Lesley Brown-King

Royal Marines Light Infantry HMS Amphion


(d.23rd August 1914)

I am currently searching for details of a relative of mine, John Lesley McCutcheon Brown-King. He served in WW1 on the HMS Amphion. He was seriously injured and later died after seeing action against a German minelayer SS Konigin Luise. I do have some information on this subject, which includes a newspaper article about him being a hero for trying to save a comrade whom was injured by an explosion. There was a secondary explosion which sadly killed the man John was saving and injured John.

The reason I am searching is because I have never been able to find his details on the Royal Navy website or other searches. Also in question was who fired the first shot of that war. According to friends of John who visited him in hospital (he was seriously injured, he lost his lower arms and most of his face) they supposedly told him that the HMS Amphion fired the first shot of WWI, even though records show it was one of the other two ships at the scene.

Note: The name McCutcheon was in his name only, so I'm not sure if a mistake was made using McCutcheon as his surname. My great grandmother was his mother. There is a memorial plaque in his local church.

If you have any information I would love to hear from you.

Editor's update

The Commonwealth War Graves site has details of a John Lindsay McCutcheon Brown-King, a Private who served in the Royal Marines. He died on 23rd August 1914, age 23. He served on HMS Amphion and is buried in RN Plot 17 in Shotley St Mary Churchyard, Suffolk. There is also a very short reference to him on the naval history website.

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