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RSM. William Young DCM.

British Army 1st Btn. Essex Regiment

from:Brentwood, Essex.

Little is known of my Grandfather, William Young, which is frustrating as there appears to be only a few accessible records in the public domain. When William died from a war related health issue, he was remembered by his Regiment and represented by them at Brentwood Cathedral. He was buried with Military Honours in Brentwood Cemetery following his passing in the early 1960's. He was born in Ardleigh, Essex and was a native of Brentwood, Essex. He served in various campaigns, enlisting in the Regiment in 1902 with service in Africa, Gallipoli, France. His acts of courage in face of the enemy where Gazetted in two editions, London and Scotland for his acts of courage and valour, being mentioned in dispatches, awarded the DCM and the Medaille d'Honneur en argent avec Glaives from the French army for bravery whilst under fire. On completion of 21 years service, he retired with the rank of RSM. He rejoined during the Munich crisis. No other information or military records appear to be available.

From the research that is available there is some evidence that after he re-enlisted prior to the Munich crisis in the lead up to WW11 any information for this period of his military career has been even harder to unravel of which there appears to be a fog of mystery and intrigue. However, there is some suggestion that he may have been involved in the training, in some way, of early members of the SAS Recruits/Regiment. His serving at Folkestone, Kent and other deployments remain unaccounted for and unsubstantiated. He retired from Military Service due to his ill health in March 1941.

Editor's Note:- The citation for the award of his Distinguished Conduct medal reads as follows: -

6677 C./S./M. (T./R.S.M.) W.Young, 1st Btn. Essex R. (Brentwood) (LG 11 Mar 1920). "Throughout the advance, from 21st August to 4th November 1918, when the Battalion was almost continuously in action, he did extremely good work in the most trying of circumstances, and often under very heavy shell fire. His example and leadership had a very beneficent effect on the non-commissioned officers of the Battalion."

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