Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

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Pte. William Forshaw

British Army Loyal North Lancahire Regiment

from:Bamber Street, Liverpool

My Uncle, William Forshaw, serving with the Loyal North Lancs, was shot on 26th October 1917 near Ypres. He was in hospital for 12 months as his wound became septic. He was certified 40% disabled and was discharged from the army on 12th November 1918. He died in March 1919 of Pneumonia and Cardiac failure. This information is from his pension Records. His death certificate has him on the Regimental Roll. I have no trace of his burial, although I do know that others sent back to the UK have CWGC headstones, there is no record of him on their site. Any help in tracing his later history would be gratefully received.

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