Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

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Rfn. Thomas Henry Cole

British Army 1st Btn. Rifle Brigade

from:Custom House, East London

(d.3rd Oct1917)

Thomas Cole was my Grandfather, his son,(my father) was born in 1915 and never met him. I have his cherished great war plaque on permanent display and hope to visit his grave in Bard Cottage Cemetery this year. From my research it seems he was at the Polygon Wood battle and died on the last day of this particular conflict.

Additional Information:

Thomas Cole was also my grandfather.My father is George I think he is your fathers brother.I would like to get in touch.


Thomas fathered three sons William, my father Bill as he was known. Tom, who we used to visit in Rayleigh Essex with his wife Lay. Left to live in Aus with son. George we never got to know, for whatever reason. I think you may have lived in the Purley way Croydon area. I too have Granddads bronze penny, shine it regular in pride of place. As it is a 100 years I was also driving over, about June time to say hello. Now you come out of the blue, could we not perhaps combine a trip together? Thank you for the contact.

Bernard Cole

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