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Rfm. Hugh White

British Army 9th Btn. D Coy Rifle Brigade

from:14 Chichester Houses, Great Eastern Street, London

Hugh White was my Grandfather on my mother's side, I never met him as he died of TB before I was born, I was told he was born in London. I am in possession of his two Army pay books, for use on active service, which record that he was 19 years old when he enlisted. Date of attestation 14.10.04. I am just starting to do a little research based on the information in the books.

My Grandfather was wounded at the Battle for the Aisne, suffering an injury to his right foot on 26th September 1914. He was taken prisoner by the Germans 21st March 1918, no further details are known of his capture. I have no idea why he has two Army numbers, 20447 and 603.

His Officers Commanding are shown as: J H Hayes - Capt (30.9.15)stationed at Sheerness and H J Gallagher (4.6.17) stationed at Eastchurch.

I am a TA soldier with over 30 years service in and this is the first posting I have done in respect of my Grandfather.

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