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Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

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Private Sydney Clark

Army 15th Battalion Durham Light Infantry

from:Gateshead on Tyne

(d.27th May 1918)

The War Memorial in Soisson

This would have been my Great Uncle whom my father was named after. He is commemorated on the war memorial in Soisson France along with nearly 4,000 others from the first world war. We guess something awful happened to the 15th battalion on the 27th May 1918 as so many of the 15th were killed in action including their Captain Charles Stanley Herbert. MC. Sydney was only 18 when killed and we believe only given 6 weeks basic training before being sent out to France. Is there any one who knows any more detail about the 15th Battalion and what went wrong? we can only surmise that the unit was obliterated into nothing as we know they died on this day but no trace must have been found.

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