Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Second World War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Second World War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

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Cadet Robert Mather

Air Transport Command 2053 Sqd.

As an air cadet in 1942 I was stationed at Hawarden as a cadet sergeant and later Flt/Sgt I was attached there for three periods during 1943/4 before entering the RAF. I remember there was a very active ATA pool at Hawarden a number of who were women. My squadron visited RAF Ringway for my first flying experience and I was lucky enough to be allocated to the crew of an Armstrong Whitworth Whitley bomber dropping paratroopers over Tatton Park. It was a terrific thrill for a young teenager and I remember well the raucous humour of the trainee paras, some of which I suspect was borne of nervousness. After the exercises we adjourned to the NAAFI. I didn't drink at the time but the NAAFI had lemonade (made from crystals) at 1d (old penny)a pint. I imbibed enthusiastically. Some people were sick flying. Not me! But that lemonade almost made it!

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