Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Second World War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Second World War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

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Dvr. Horrie George Stanley Carpenter

British Army Royal Engineers


My dad, Horrie Carpenter, was captured at the fall of Tobruk. He was taken to Italy where I believe he was put to work in a car factory, then onto Breslau Stalag 8a where he worked in a sugar beet factory. He told us that he escaped by swimming a river with two other prisoners, one of whom died. They were captured by the Russians and put to work digging graves for their fallen.

He was repatriated by the Red Cross through Odense. I have the map they used for their escape and his Stalag 8a dog tag. These almost got them killed by the Russians, they thought they were German but an Engliah speaking Russian realised they were English, then put them to work. Sadly, dad has passed away. I wish I had asked him more but he seemed reluctant to talk about it further. I don't know who the other guy was. I know he made friends with New Zealanders because he talked about going there to live.

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